Sovremennaya britanskaya istoriografiya o polozhenii pozdnesrednevekovoy tserkvi v Anglii




The article presents the view that modern British historiography takes on the status of the Church in the late Middle Ages England. Having completed a many-sided analysis of a number of works of Whig historians A.G.Dickens, T.M.Parker and some revisionist historians, such as Ch.Haigh, J.J.Scarisbrick, S.Brigden and M.Bowker, the author comes to share the revisionist historians' opinion on the matter and draws the conclusion that the position of the Church was stable, with the Reformation hampering its further development.


E Devyatova


  1. Bowker M. «The Commons Supplication against the Ordinaries» in the Light of Some Archidiaconal Act a TRHS. 5th series. XXI. 1971.
  2. Bowker M. The Secular Clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln, 1495-1520. Cambridge, 1968.
  3. Brigden S. The controversy in Reformation London // Eccles. Hist. 32 (1981).
  4. Dickens A.G. The English Reformation. L.; Glasgow, 1973.
  5. Haigh Ch. The English Reformation Revised. Cambridge, 1990.
  6. Haigh Ch. Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire. Cambridge, 1975.
  7. Heath P. English Parish Clergy on the Eve of the Reformation. L., 1969.
  8. Houlbrooke R.A. Church Courts and the People during the English Reformation. Oxford, 1979.
  9. Parker T.M. The English Reformation to 1558. L.; Cambridge, 1950.
  10. Scarisbrick J.J. The Reformation and the English People. Oxford, 1984.
  11. Trevor-Roper H. Archbishop Laud, 1573-1645. 3rd ed. Houndmills etc., 1988.



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