No 2 (2022)

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Всеобщая история

The influence of the United Kingdom Independence Party on english national identity at the present stage

Atapin E.A.


The article analyzes how the activities of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) influenced the development of English national identity in the years leading up to the British vote on Britain's membership in the European Union. A brief history of the creation and electoral success of the party is given. The focus is on the period when Nigel Farage held the post of head of UKIP. The factors that determined the current state of English national identity and its relationship with British identity are investigated. The article explains how the connection between these identities was reflected in the policy of UKIP. The article examines the attitude of the party leadership to the problems of the establishment of English parliament and celebrating St. George's Day in England. UKIP has always been viewed as a haven for the oppressed, disaffected and disillusioned people. This image was used by the party leadership to secure its support in England. Emphasizing the theme of unfair treatment of England by the British government and Brussels and the need to respect specific English national identity bore fruit. By 2014, the largest share of English people began to perceive UKIP as the party that best defended English interests. The strengthening of the existing eurosceptic sentiments in England ensured the decision to end Britain's membership in the EU in the 2016 referendum thereby contributing to the implementation of the UKIP's key mission. Thanks to the active appeal to the English question, UKIP was able to acquire a very significant weight in the British political arena.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Soviet socialism VS African socialism: promotion of socialist ideas in the African States in the 1960-1970s

Roland Y.J., Martynova E.P.


The article examines the issues concerning the perception and promotion of socialist ideas on the African continent in the 1960s and 1970s. The purpose of this article is to show how socialism was perceived and interpreted in African countries that chose the "socialist way" of development, namely Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mali, Guinea, Senegal, Ghana, Tanzania, Angola, Mozambique, Sudan and Ethiopia. The author set the task to show the reasons for the failures in the promotion of Soviet socialism in Africa. Attention was focused on the analysis of difficulties and obstacles in the promotion of socialism in the economic, political and cultural spheres. The work is based on the information of a survey conducted by the author among representatives of the African intelligentsia from different countries, many of whose representatives studied in the Soviet Union. The research showed that, despite the fact that the USSR spent an active policy in Africa, developing economic, military, political, educational cooperation, it was unable to implement its plans for socialist construction on the continent. This can be explained by the fact that after independence, Africans developed their own views on the socialist system. Perceiving socialism at the level of ideology, African leaders could not accept the socialist economic system. It was impossible to fully accept the Soviet model, since it did not correspond to the realities of African life in many ways. The fact that many African leaders studied in the West also played a role. The materials contained in the article can be used in educational and training activities, as well as for a better understanding of why Soviet socialism could not gain a foothold in Africa.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Отечественная история

Reasons for dissolution of marriages of peasants in the Yaroslavl, Tver and Tobolsk provinces in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries

Vanyushina O.V., Krivosheeva Y.A., Spichak A.V.


The aim of the study was to study the motives of peasants applying to the spiritual consistories to obtain divorce permits in the Yaroslavl, Tver and Tobolsk provinces in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Tasks were set to find out the number of surviving cases initiated by petitions for the termination of marriage by peasants separately for each sex and the reason for discord in the family. The source base was previously unknown archival documents of the State Institution of the Yaroslavl Region "The State Archive of the Yaroslavl Region”, the State Institution of the Tver Region “The State Archive of the Tver Region” and the State Budgetary Institution of the Tyumen Region “The State Archive in Tobolsk”. General scientific and historical methods were used, in particular historical-comparative and historical-typological, as well as methods of gender history. As a result of the analysis of archival materials, the main reasons for the desire of the peasants to dissolve the marriage were identified: adultery; link; unknown absence of a spouse; incapacity for married life; lack of desire to live with a husband / wife; beatings; mental disorder; religious differences. The hypothesis was confirmed that adultery in the studied period was the most frequent reason for drawing up petitions for divorce. However, most of the cases ended with an instruction to continue living together in peace and harmony, or refusal due to non-compliance with the requirements for filing petitions (non-payment of stamp duty, drawing up documents on plain paper instead of stamp paper, failure to provide evidence). This article is the first stage in studying the history of marital relations in the Yaroslavl, Tver and Tobolsk provinces, identifying similarities and differences in motives, types of marital conflicts, as well as determining their consequences, methods of solution and prevention.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Historical, cultural and ethnographic studies by Anatoly Fedorovich Koni

Kodintsev A.Y., Rybin D.V.


The famous lawyer Anatoly Fedorovich Koni is known for his works in various fields of humanitarian knowledge. At the same time, his historical, cultural and ethnographic research is completely unknown. In our work, we reveal this important aspect of the work of the outstanding prosecutor and senator of the Russian Empire.

Historical works Anatoly Fedorovich wrote under the influence of his father, who was known as a biographer of Frederick the Great. In addition, in the 1860s, he was strongly influenced by Russian historians from St. Petersburg and Moscow universities. Under the influence of these persons, Konya gradually developed his own style, which included subjectivity, emotionality, the identification of ethical aspects and a tendency to biography. Despite repeated attempts to begin writing history, the lack of time did not allow the lawyer to constantly study history.

Another object of interest was urban culture, which was strongly interested in Koni. Noticing many cultural features of Russian cities, he kept notes, collected materials, but also did not create much work in this area. His essays on Russian ethnography were popular and descriptive. Despite the fact that many of Koni's efforts in history, cultural studies and ethnography did not end with major works and not one of his studies was published, the study of his works allows us to better understand the worldview of a major lawyer of the empire, as well as to determine the degree of understanding of the situation of people from his environment.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Organization end redeployment regular regiments of Siberian in 1808-1811 years

Panfilov V.V., Puzanov V.D.


The article examines the Siberian regular regiments of the early 19th century. The author studies the organization and redeployment of the Siberian regiments from 1808 to the Patriotic War of 1812, using the method of historicism. This paper uses little-studied sources showing the role of the regular regiments of Siberia during Russia's participation in the Napoleonic Wars, and provides data on the number of these troops. The objectives of the study are to study the movement of military units from Siberia to the western part of Russia and changes in the management of Siberian regular regiments in Siberia by 1808, as well as the trends in the social and national composition of these regiments. The redeployment of Siberian regular regiments to the European part of Russia took place in two stages: 1808-1809. and 1810-1811. 3 infantry, 2 dragoon and 2 jaeger regiments participated in the redeployment. These military units were located in the fortresses of the Siberian defense line. The organizers of the redeployment were Generals A.A. Skalon and G.I. Glazenap. That biography of Major General A.A. Skalon, chief of the Irkutsk Dragoon Regiment, which is associated with the command of the Siberian regular regiments and the organization of the withdrawal of troops from Siberia. Sam A.A. Skalon was born in Biysk, but his ancestors were from France. He was the organizer of the first redeployment of regular regiments from Siberia. The main responsibility for organizing the second redeployment of the Siberian regular units was assigned to Lieutenant General G.I. Glazenap. This general had proper military experience in organizing regimental quartering. In 1813, it was he who initiated the creation of the Omsk military Cossack school. The military leadership of the Russian Empire of that time believed that the main purpose of the redeployment of the troops of the Siberian units was to prepare for a new war with France, to protect the western borders of Russia. This operation was carried out successfully, the regiments were located in new locations. Thus, the most important military task was completed.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):33-40
pages 33-40 views

About the evolution of views on the character of the natives of the Tobol North in the 19th – early 20th centuries

Ershov M.F.


For Russia, studies of outlying lands are among socially significant problems. One of the barriers to obtaining reliable results is informational. Often, external observers arrive on the periphery with previously formed cultural stereotypes. The objective of the publication is to consider the patterns and opinions that guided European travelers when they studied the culture of indigenous peoples in the 19th – early 20th centuries. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to resolve a number of tasks: to analyze the temporal representations associated with progress; clarify exactly how observers perceived space and local societies that lived in cyclical time; assess interethnic contacts between civilized peoples and aborigines; briefly describe the social recipes for overcoming the cultural backwardness of indigenous peoples. The methodological basis of the study was the use of an interdisciplinary approach, including the theoretical provisions of anthropology. The results obtained prove the presence of subjective moments when writing ethnographic reviews, travel and fiction essays. Stable clichés were used to reveal the national character of the natives. The existence of such clichés is evidence of the presence of stereotypes about the life of northern peoples in the public mind. The orientation of the observers to predominantly pragmatic grounds turned into a kind of mental "movement" of the natives, the objects of research, beyond the boundaries of the human world, into the beyond, where their life was supposedly close to the animal state. These circumstances are most significant for the understanding of reforms in the peripheral territories, the study of the origin and subsequent historical evolution of ethnic stereotypes. The optimal direction for further developments in this matter is the consistent identification and historical criticism of sources about the life of the indigenous population of the Tobolsk North.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):41-48
pages 41-48 views

Participation of entrepreneurial companies of the Tobolsk province in the distillery production (late XIX - beginning of the XX centuries)

Zadorozhnyaya O.A.


The entrepreneurial companies in the Russian Empire in the late XIX - early XX centuries. were formed on the basis of traditional and new aspects of the economic structure. The subject of the study was the entrepreneurial companies of the Tobolsk province in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The purpose of the article is to highlight some aspects of the development and activities of distilleries in the Tobolsk province in the late XIX – early XX centuries). In preparing this work, we used the modeling method, i.e. collection of complete information and “construction” of the form of activity for the distilleries of individual entrepreneurial companies of the Tobolsk province. The results of the study show that the process of attracting entrepreneurial companies in the development of the alcohol industry. Entrepreneurial companies were created, as a rule, after the unification of the owners of industrial enterprises. Such an association predetermines the direction of entrepreneurial activity of capitalist associations, which does not always have a positive effect on the further development of production. Attention is paid to the most important aspects of the activities of enterprises: the number of workers, the equipment systems used, the volume of products produced, the characteristics of the most prominent founders of entrepreneurial companies and etc.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Public safety in the activities of the municipal authorities of the Southern Urals in 1870-1919

Shayakhmetova I.Z.


The article is devoted to the issues of public safety in the practical activities of the city dumas and temporary committees of public organizations. In 1870-1919, the activities of the city self-government bodies were reduced to the introduction of the apartment tax in order to take into account the citizens – tenants of apartments, to ensure supervision of all citizens to prevent the spread of the revolutionary movement, especially after 1905. The formation of city dumas is associated with the constant supervision and patronage of this process by the ministry of internal affairs. Normative acts regulating the formation and functioning of self-government bodies in cities were drawn up and issued by the ministry of internal affairs. The city regulations of 1870 and 1892 clearly defined the composition of voters, the powers of the mayor and his comrades, the functions of city councils. The city duma was called upon to become a pillar of state power on the ground along with the governor's office. However, as a result, instead, the municipal governments became oppositional to the governor's power. The entire period of its existence, the city duma was in constant confrontation with the administrations of governors. The content of the practical activities of municipal governments in the cities reflected the everyday problems of citizens: housing, maintenance, road construction, sanitation and health, public education and culture, public safety. The provisional committees of public organizations formed after February 1917 were to become transitional bodies of self-government: from pre-revolutionary city dumas to post-revolutionary ones. Their main task was to organize local elections to the new duma. However, their practical activities were fully focused on public security.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):56-60
pages 56-60 views

The establishment of the society for the restoration of orthodox christianity in the Caucasus and its activities in the education of the abkhazians

Tsimtsba A.L.


The events of the mid-60s of the 19th century became a turning point for the peoples of the Caucasus in many respects. There are fundamental changes in the socio-political and cultural life of the region. All this was due to both the energetic actions of the Russian government and the changes that took place among the Caucasian peoples. With the inclusion of the Caucasus into the Russian Empire, it became necessary to modify the actions of the autocracy in this region. Using various "levers", tsarism purposefully realized its main tasks in the region - the spread of Orthodoxy in the region and the formation of imperial identity and consciousness among the Caucasian peoples. The most important elements of such a civilizing policy in Russia are the secular school and enlightenment. Abkhazia, located in the northwestern part of the Caucasus, occupies an important strategic position. With the inclusion of Abkhazia into the Russian Empire, tsarism throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries sought to attract, first of all, the local elite into the all-Russian cultural space. The tsarist administration sought to create a strong system of government in the region, which would not have been possible without the involvement of competent officials from among the local population who knew the customs, life, familiar with the local living conditions. The government believed that the Society for the Restoration of Orthodox Christianity in the Caucasus, on which great hopes were pinned, could become the most important instrument of tsarist policy in the Caucasus. This article discusses the formation of the Society for the Restoration of Orthodox Christianity in the Caucasus, as well as some aspects of its activities in the field of education in Abkhazia.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):61-74
pages 61-74 views

House spirits of private ownership among modern northern selkups: visualization of ethnicity

Stepanova O.B.


The purpose of the study was to study (images) of household spirits, which are still kept in many families of the northern Selkups. The objectives of the study were to consider how private family spirits visualize the Selkup ethnicity, i.e. what information they contain about the national Selkup culture, and how the visualization of ethnicity by spirits that are today in private possession differs from the representation of culture by similar museum exhibits. No one has yet studied the home spirits of the northern Selkups from such positions, which is the novelty of the study. An addition to the original perspective of the work was the classical approach, which combines the traditional methods of ethnographic research - the collection of field material, description, analysis, comparison, typology, etc. The result of the study was a comprehensive analysis of three complexes of privately kept home spirits, including their relationship with the owners, carried out by the author on the basis of his own expeditionary materials. The study came to the following conclusions. Modern Selkups keep faith in the magical power of ancestral household spirits, turn to them with requests for health and help in difficult life situations. They show respect for the spirits in various ways in exchange for their protection of the family well-being. With regard to family spirits, the tradition of concealment continues to be observed: it is forbidden to show spirits to strangers; violators of the rules, as well as their families, as the Selkups believe, will be punished from above. Sacred images, which are in the possession of modern Selkups, visualize their ethnicity, demonstrating the preservation of Selkup animistic beliefs against the background of the general extinction and transformation of tradition. This function is not available for images of spirits that have migrated to museums for storage. At the same time, “active” household spirits do not have the wide audience that museum spirits have to represent culture; they can only influence a wide audience indirectly, through the works of scientists who have written about them. The last conclusion indicates the practical significance of this study.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):75-83
pages 75-83 views

Students of the Tobolsk male gymnasium during the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907)

Sulimov V.S., Fedotova D.Y.


The article is devoted to the study of the activities of students of the oldest educational institution in Western Siberia – the Tobolsk male gymnasium during the revolutionary upheavals of 1905-1907. Attention is paid to the analysis of the features of the educational process, reflected in the protocols of pedagogical councils and reports of the director of the gymnasium P.I. Panov. It is noted that despite the control over the behavior of the students of the gymnasium by the director, teachers, class mentors and parents, the students were gradually drawn into political processes covering the whole country. The penetration of one revolutionary proclamation into the walls of the gymnasium after the events of January 9, 1905 led to a long conflict between the students of the educational institution. There was a strike of a number of students, which resulted in a refusal to attend classes due to the failure of the gymnasium administration to fulfill the requirements of the gymnasium students. The authors consider the main demands put forward by the pupils of the male gymnasium in the autumn of 1905, which were presented to the leadership of the educational institution in the form of a petition containing 29 points. It should be taken into account that the petition was sent from European Russia to unite the demands of secondary school students to change the educational process. The paper concludes that the high school students opposed prohibitions and restrictions, did not have a clear political program and action plan, so the protests were spontaneous and chaotic. In this article, the authors use a representative source base of unpublished materials from the funds of the State Archives of Tobolsk and Tomsk, related to the history of the Tobolsk male gymnasium.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Siberian peasantry during the First world war and revolution: details of a social and political portrait

Dementev A.P., Drobchenko V.A.


The article presents an analysis of the social and political processes that took place in a Siberian village during the years of World War I and the revolution of 1917. It is noted that migration from the central regions of the country had a great influence on formation of the rural population of the region at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, and the social structure of a Siberian village was more complex than in the center, in addition to traditional ones, there were such large social groups as old-timers and settlers, who differed not only in their property status, but also in their mentality. The absence of landownership and access to the Russian and world markets after the construction of the Siberian railway ensured the intensive development of agriculture. This was facilitated by the broad development of rural cooperatives. The World War I had a dual effect on Siberian peasantry. On the one hand, mass mobilization, having deprived villages of a million workers caused an acute labor shortage in the countryside, on the other hand, the rise in prices for agricultural products contributed to enrichment of villages and accelerated its social differentiation. The attitude of the peasantry to the key events of the Russian revolution is analyzed. The process of transformations in a Siberian village from March 1917 to May 1918 has been reconstructed. The struggle of political parties for the peasant masses is shown. The activities of rural self-government bodies (committee, zemstvo, council) and peasant unions are studied. It is concluded that the Siberian peasantry, after the overthrow of the autocracy, was drawn into political processes regardless of their desire, and more often in spite of it. In the mess of changing authorities, taking a wait-and-see position, it did not participate in the struggle of the opposing sides and, regardless of whoever was in power, evaded paying taxes and other obligatory contributions. Siberian villages remained aloof from social upheavals longer than the city. It not only relied on its own material resources, but in the conditions of the weakening of power verticals, it tried to find internal regulators of social relations, which included such archaic forms as rural gatherings and lynching. Material interest remained a priority for the peasants, against which moral norms could be subject to significant adjustments. Relations with the authorities and the outside world as a whole were built on these principles. The peasantry consistently defended the economic independence that they received after the overthrow of the autocracy from any external encroachment.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):94-106
pages 94-106 views

Summer election campaign for the city duma in Siberia in 1917

Chudakov O.V.


The article is devoted to the electoral process in the city Duma of Siberia, which took place in the summer of 1917. The author notes that the fall of autocracy and the transition of power to bourgeois democracy led to the search for new forms of organization of public administration. The revolutionary events of 1917-1918 had a noticeable impact on the existence and functioning of municipal self-government bodies in Russia. After the February Revolution of 1917, the role of the Institute of urban self-government increased markedly. Dumas in many Siberian cities have become not only the center of the association of public organizations, but also the support of the central government on the ground. Under the influence of socio-political processes, city authorities in 1917 increasingly went beyond the narrow scope of economic functions. The paper presents the desire of political forces to accumulate the socio-political interests of their urban electorate, since in the revolutionary events, the city Duma, as a self-governing body, on the one hand, and on the other – the administrative authorities, found themselves in the center of events, and took the position of liberal reformism. Thus, the de facto powers of the city self-government bodies were expanded, but de jure they remained unchanged. In reality, their influence has increased, including on the formation of public opinion. The author, relying on the legislative acts of the Provisional Government, minutes of meetings of city dumas and administrations, conducted his research and tried to recreate a concrete historical picture of the political life of Siberian cities in the inter-revolutionary period. In this regard, the politicization of city self-government bodies is traced, which reached its maximum in 1917, expressed in the election of vowels on party lists and in the identification of city dumas as a public support of the new government. The author characterizes the changes that occurred in the legal status of Siberian municipalities during the revolutionary transformations of 1917, which vividly manifested the process of transformation of the institution of central government and city self-government. The new government, represented by the Provisional Government, saw its support in the democratized system of public self-government of cities and zemstvos, and the self-government bodies, in turn, expected the Provisional Government to expand its legal framework. As the Provisional Government suggested, it was the democratized city Duma that was to become the basis of civil society. The author, analyzing the process of development of the institution of urban self-government, notes the transformation of city bodies into local state authorities, the creation of a support for a new democratic government in their person. However, in 1917, the city Duma in its renewed composition, in which many vowels had no experience of city work and were bound by party discipline, completely lost continuity with the former city government and largely turned into a political platform for party speakers. The article examines the causes, course and results of the election campaign to the city Duma in Siberia in the inter-revolutionary period. The pre-election platforms and tactical positions of political forces are analyzed, which reflect the political vicissitudes of the development of the revolutionary process in the country and the regional peculiarities of their perception by various party and social forces. It was determined that first of all on the agenda were pressing issues that had accumulated during the First World War. At the same time, the issues of a political nature caused by the events that took place in the European part of Russia were of little interest to the inhabitants of Siberian cities, which testified to the relative apolitical nature of the main part of Siberian society and a more calm, measured life in the city than in the central regions during this period.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):107-114
pages 107-114 views

Military club work with school students of Khanty-Mansiysk okrug in 1941-1945 years

Kirilyuk D.V.


The questions of organization and the results of military training in Ugra schools during the Great Patriotic War are analyzed in this article. Based on the materials of Ugra State archive and the memories of region former teachers and students and using historical genetic and statistical methods the effort to evaluate Khanty-Mansiysk okrug’s material and personnel capabilities in organization of military clubs. In addition, the author reveals the main problems that the school education departments faced. For example, the small number of senior classes in the region, the shortage of school premises, the lack of kerosene in short daylight conditions, the lack of clothes and shoes for students and the experienced military instructors’ small number. The most widespread types of military clubs, the extent of students’ delivery of various military and physical education standards and their participation in paramilitary games are revealed. The degree of this article’s compliance with the general tasks of students’ pre-conscription military training is assessed. The author comes to the conclusion that the students’ number who took part in military clubs significantly increased. As a result, more than 80 percent of students could pass the norms on the badges of various societies. Besides the military club work among Ugra students was heavily depended on possibilities of schools, as a result there were a little number in Ugra by the end of the war.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):115-122
pages 115-122 views

Salekhard operational site in 1950-1960

Knizhnikov V.A.


The article examines the process of formation of the future Salekhard river port, starting from the moment of formation of the operational site there until the end of the 1960s, when the active urbanization of YaNAO began. Extremely specific features of the functioning of river transport in the circumpolar regions are described. The role of the Salekhard operational site as one of the logistics centers of YANAO, as well as an important transit point for the transfer of river vessels to the Ob-Irtysh basin through the Northern Sea Route is noted. The dynamics of cargo turnover is given, indicating the steady economic growth achieved by YaNAO in the 1950s and 1960s. There are also similar statistics on the work of the river fleet in the Gulf of Ob. The interdepartmental interaction of river transport with its customers from other sectors of the economy is reflected. The analysis of the personnel shows that, despite the fluidity characteristic of river enterprises of that time, they reflect the size of the enterprise and, together with the dynamics of cargo turnover, allow us to reflect the scale of the work done on the construction of a gas production complex in the north of Western Siberia. As a result, we can say that in the period of the 1950s and 1960s, river transport successfully fulfilled its functions of supplying the northern regions with goods necessary for the economic revival of the district.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2022;58(2):123-132
pages 123-132 views

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