No 2 (2024)

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Plant ecology

Changes in the leaf structure and pigment complex of Betula pendula under conditions of technogenic air pollution

Berentseva S.V., Borisova G.G., Sobenin A.V., Maleva M.G.


Atmospheric pollution in an urban environment not only disrupts the balance of elements in phytocoenoses, but also leads to changes at different levels of organization of plant organisms, including those affecting their photosynthetic apparatus. The anatomical and morphological features as well as photosynthetic pigment content in the leaves of Betula pendula Roth, growing in the zone of influence of the industrial cluster in Chelyabinsk (Russia) with varying degrees of toxic load, were studied. Six sites were selected taking into account the wind rose near the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant: five impact and one background (northwestern part of the Kashtaksky pine forest). Based on the content of heavy metals in the soil, the total toxic load index was calculated for each impact site, which averaged 3.6. It was noted that in the impact sites the thickness of the leaf blade significantly increased (on average by 23%), largely due to the palisade mesophyll and upper cuticle. Moreover, the number of stomata increased, as well as the leaf mass per area (by an average of 30%), which was accompanied by a decrease in its area (by an average of 65%). Under conditions of increased technogenic load, a decrease in the content of chlorophylls a and b was also noted (on average by 44%), but the ratio between them did not change significantly (1.75 on average). Carotenoids turned out to be more stable: their content in impact sites reduced to a lesser extent. The conclusion about the significance of compensatory rearrangements of B. pendula photosynthetic apparatus during adaptation to long-term stress has been made.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):4-14
pages 4-14 views

Studying the patterns of accumulation of radioisotopes of natural and man-made origin using the example of the aboveground part of the wormwood of the bitter flora of the urbanized territories of the Central Black Earth Region

Dyakova N.А.


Radionuclides are currently to the most dangerous ecotoxicants, due to their high resistance, wide distribution, ability to biogenic migration and cumulation in living organisms. The purpose of this study was to study the patterns of accumulation of radionuclides of natural and man-made origin in the synanthropic flora of the Voronezh region using the example of the aboveground part of bitter wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.). All studied samples of plant raw materials prepared in natural and artificial phytocenoses of the Voronezh region meet the existing radiation safety requirements (first group). Correlation analysis of the specific activity of artificial and natural radionuclides in the soil and the aboveground part of the bitter wormwood showed a close relationship between these numerical indicators, which confirmed their predominant transposed pollution. The results of the study showed that with an increase in the specific activity of natural and man-made radionuclides in the soil, their specific activity increased in the above-ground part of the bitter wormwood. The accumulation coefficients of strontium-90, cesium-137, potassium-40 from soils in bitter wormwood grass tended to decrease as the specific activity of radionuclides in the soil increased, indicating the presence of physiological mechanisms for regulating their entry into the plant, and thoria-232, radia-226, on the contrary, increased, which indicates high phytoremediation abilities of the species in relation to these isotopes. For the first time, the patterns and mathematical dependencies of the accumulation of technogenic and natural radionuclides in bitter wormwood grass revealed as a result of the study make it possible to predict the peculiarities of contamination of plant raw materials with these ecotoxicants.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Antioxidative response of herbs of various species to heavy metal environmental pollution

Petukhov A.S., Kremleva T.A., Petukhova G.A., Khritokhin N.A.


The purpose of this study is the investigation of antioxidant systems (phenolics, flavonoids, and catalase activity) in herbs of various species in conditions of heavy metal pollution of Tyumen. Soil and plant samples (coltsfoot, red clover, meadow grass, and wild vetch) were collected at the control site, highway, engine-building, oil refinery, battery manufacturing, and metallurgical plants. The antioxidant response of herbs to heavy metal accumulation turned out to be species-specific. In red clover and coltsfoot catalase activity, as well as content of phenolics and flavonoids decreased. In meadow grass flavonoids decreased, but phenolics concentration increased. The most resistant and sensitive plant species by antioxidant status was wild vetch. Catalase acitivity was the most sensitive to metal pollution. The concentration of heavy metals in red clover and coltsfoot negatively correlated with phenols and flavonoids, while in meadow grass and wild vetch positively correlated. Antioxidant status of plants can be recommended as part of the complex monitoring of environmental metal pollution.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):25-36
pages 25-36 views

Potamogeton praelongus wulfen 1805 (Potamogetonaceae) as a potential species for inclusion in the Omsk Region Red Book

Sviridenko B.F., Murashko Y.А.


This work is intended to prepare a justification for the inclusion of Potamogeton praelongus in the third edition of the Red Book of the Omsk Region. The tasks include the analysis of the species distribution in the region, summarizing the original quantitative data about its tolerance to a number of aquatic factors in the West Siberian Plain, and clarification of its ecobiomorphological parameters. Over more than 60 years in the Omsk Region, the species was only reported in 5 lakes of the forest and forest-steppe zones, indicating that it is rare. We obtained the quantitative information about the condition of the species population only in 2023 in the lake Bugaly of the Bolsherechensky District. The population has an area of up to 0.28 km2. The species forms a monodominant community with a projective cover of up to 30%. The community is formed on grey and dark-grey thin-detritus silts in the depth range 1.2–3.0 m. According to hydrochemical tests, the water in lake Bugaly has рН = 6.9, total hardness 2.06 mg-eq/dm3, and total salt content 0.44 g/dm3. In the West Siberian Plain, P. praelongus was found in waters with рН between 6.3 to 7.6 with total hardness 0.26–6.40 mg-eq/dm3 and total salt content 0.03–1.10 g/dm3. The content of lead in the ecotopes of the species was 0.10–0.22 µg/dm3, nickel 0.76 µg/dm3, zinc 2.58–17.61 µg/dm3, cadmium 0.01–0.02 µg/dm3, chromium 0.43–0.44 µg/dm3, copper 0.84–5.97 µg/dm3, manganese 7.61–32.55 µg/dm3. The content of the soluble forms of iron was up to 1,585.0 µg/dm3, which suggests that the species is tolerant to iron. Based on the ecobiomorphological study performed, P. praelongus can be characterized as a perennial (vegetatively annual), polycarpous, long-shooted, stoloniferous, emergent-flowering, neutrophilic, typically freshwater, water hardness-indifferent, iron-tolerant, silt hydatophyte. Potamogeton praelongus might be recommended for inclusion in the coming issue of the regional Red Book with status 3(R) as a rare species.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):37-48
pages 37-48 views

Anatomo-morphological structure features of Chimaphila umbellata leaf on industrial dumps (Middle Ural)

Chukina N.V., Glazyrina M.A., Lukina N.V.


Global anthropogenic transformation of natural ecosystems leads to a decrease in the stability of plant communities, partial or complete destruction of vegetation over large areas. In the Middle Urals, significant areas are occupied by dumps of mining and processing industry enterprises. After dumps conservation the process of self-overgrowth of forest phytocenoses is take place by the typical forest species, among which are Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W.P.C. Barton. The internal structure of the leaf, as the main organ of photosynthesis, reflects the adaptability of the species to environment. Leaf is also capable to adaptive changes under stressful conditions. In this regard, the structural changes of the photosynthetic apparatus are usfull in bioindication and biomonitoring. The purpose of the study was to compare the leaf anatomical and morphological features of Ch. umbellata, growing on the dumps of mining industry (Shabrovsky talc-magnesite deposit), ash dumps (Verkhnetagil’skaya Thermal Power Station) and in the natural forest phytocenosis in the Middle Urals (subzone of the southern Taiga). Leaf anatomical and morphological parameters were studed using the program of the digital image analysis Simagis Mesoplant. The plants of Ch. umbellata from anthropogenic habitates were characterized by a higher thickness of leaves, spongy mesophyll and upper cuticle, as well as a decrease in the density of stomata with an increase in their size. These structural changes are associated with strengthening the barrier function of epidermis, as well as the optimization of gas exchange and transpiration processes under technogenesis conditions. The plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus of Ch. umbellata contributes to the successful survival of this species in unfavorable environmental conditions of transformed ecosystems.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):49-60
pages 49-60 views

Animal ecology

Impact of the natural environmental factor - trematode Opisthorchis felineus on the system of regulation of proliferative activity of somatic cells

Rybka A.G.


One of the leading epigenetic factors of canerogenesis is a high level of proliferative activity of somatic cells. Activation of cholangiocyte proliferation against the background of organismal invasion by trematode Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884) is described by many researchers. The present study shows the role of metabolites of metacercariae and opisthorchis in the induction of proliferative activity of somatic cells of the hepatobiliary system and other organs. The significance of cell-tissue bioregulators in increasing the level of proliferative activity of various tissues in trematode-infected organisms has been considered. It follows from the data obtained on the model of hepatocellular tissue that kylon-containing factor from liver tissue of healthy animals, as an inhibitor of cell-tissue proliferation, was more sensitive to hepatocytes of uninvaded inbred mice as compared to the animals invaded with the above biotic pathogen for 2 months. The level of biological activity of the studied tissue-specific effector isolated from the liver tissue of mice with the same period of opistorch invasion is lower than in the group of uninvaded animals. Hence, it follows that activation of cell-tissue proliferation in opistorch-infected animals is caused by disturbed regulation mechanisms of cell-tissue homeostasis. Decrease in the function of control over somatic cell mitotic cycle during parasitization in the hepatobiliary system of Opisthorchis felineus trematode is confirmed by increase in growth rate of syngeneic malignant tumors as well as modification of homologous leukocyte interferon effect from inhibitor of malignant process – to activator. Induction of intensive regenerative proliferation of cholangiocytes by opisthorchial metabolites as a result of dysfunction of their cell-tissue regulation mechanisms is a promoter factor of oncogenesis process.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):61-75
pages 61-75 views

Comparative analysis of the efficiency of methods for DNA extraction from animal tissues

Filippova A.V., Ryabukhina M.V., Odinokov G.N., Karpova N.G.


For the first time, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of DNA extraction methods used in expert forensic practice from various animal tissues – bone antlers and hooves of reindeer Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus, 1758); skeletal muscle, cartilage tissue and mucus of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykkis (Walbaum, 1792); skeletal muscles and ribs of the domestic pig Sus scrofa domesticus (Erxleben, 1777). DNA extraction was carried out according to the manufacturers' protocols using six commercial reagent kits, domestically produced, based on the alcohol precipitation method: "GM Tissue" (Raissol), “Amex” (Raissol); sorption onto magnetic particles: “GM Tissue M” (“Raissol”), “M-Sorb-bone” (“Synthol”); sorption on silica gel: “D-Tissues” (“Biolabmix”), “D-blood” (“Biolabmix”). The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the obtained DNA were assessed by measuring the concentration of double-stranded DNA on a Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (Life Technologies, USA) using the Qubit DNA HS Assay Kit. The highest concentration of double-stranded DNA of all types of animal tissue was obtained by sorption onto magnetic particles. Using this method, the most stable and reproducible DNA concentrations were obtained (average values – 474.00 μg/ml, 268.00 μg/ml, 83.20 μg/ml and 69.70 μg/ml, respectively). Using the method of DNA extraction based on precipitation with alcohol, lower concentrations of DNA were obtained from all types of animal tissues in comparison with the method of sorption onto magnetic particles. However, the use of this method has shown a fairly high stability and reproducibility of the obtained DNA concentrations (average values – 120.00 µg/ml, 110.00 µg/ml and 99.90 µg/ml, respectively), from all types of biological tissues, in all series (repetitions) of the extraction step. The use of a DNA extraction method based on sorption on silica gel showed, on average, lower concentrations of target DNA from all types of animal tissues, in comparison with the methods of sorption on magnetic particles and precipitation with alcohol. This method was characterized by the lowest stability and reproducibility of the obtained DNA concentrations (average values – 74.10 μg/ml and 41.60 μg/ml, respectively). Thus, the team of authors assessed the effectiveness of methodological approaches to DNA extraction in relation to various types of animal tissue, as well as assessed the stability and reproducibility of the results obtained. The effectiveness of these methodological approaches has not been previously assessed.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):76-85
pages 76-85 views

Human ecology

Hemodynamic indicators of North residents engaged in winter swimming

Ragozin O.N., Pogonysheva I.A., Shalamova E.Y., Pogonyshev D.A., Postnikova V.V., Kuchumov M.S.


The purpose of the study is to assess changes in hemodynamic parameters in areas of the northern city (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra) under the influence of extreme cold temperature. Determination of hemodynamic parameters was carried out by compression oscillometry method using the APKO-8-RITS-M circulatory parameters analyzer. Results: under the influence of extreme cold water, all subjects showed an increase in the values of systolic and mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure. There was an increase in cardiac output, stroke volume of blood, cardiac index and stroke index; significant differences in the dynamics of these indicators were revealed. For the majority of surveyed people (77.7%), engaged in winter swimming, a tendency to increase arterial stiffness under conditions of general cold stress was revealed. Conclusion: in general, the tolerance of extreme cold stress in men can be assessed as satisfactory, since on average there is an increase in cardiac output, largely due to stroke output; there is a correspondence between the actual resistance of peripheral vessels and the working specific peripheral resistance. Since there were no significant changes in the diameter of the brachial artery with an increase of pulse wave velocity after swimming in cold water, this suggests the preservation of the observed elastic properties of the vascular wall. Data obtained from a limited number of examined people indicate the possibility of identifying the initial stages of disorders of the elastic properties of the aorta using compression oscillometry and expanding the capabilities of early diagnosis of signs of aortic stiffness.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):86-95
pages 86-95 views

Ecology and nature management

Geochemical features of the top peats of the hummocky bogs of the KhMAO-Yugra

Boldyreva E.A., Moskovchenko D.V.


Palsa bogs are carbon sinks and help preserve permafrost in northern regions. However, under the influence of climate warming and permafrost thawing in peatlands, changes in their biogeochemical properties occur. Using the example of three sections made on the territory of the Numto Natural Park (KhMAO-Yugra), where the permafrost is extremely unstable, the distribution patterns of elements in the peat deposit profiles were determined. Determination of trace elements in the samples was carried out using mass spectral and atomic emission spectroscopy methods (ICP–MS and ICP–OES). The peat of the study area is characterized by low ash content. An increased content of Fe, Mn, and Cr was noted, which is typical for the peat of Western Siberia. The concentration of heavy metals traditionally considered as indicators of technogenic pollution (Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu) in peat is low due to the remoteness from the sources of technogenesis. The intraprofile distribution of metals is influenced by the botanical composition of peat. Dwarfshrub peat, compared to Sphagnum peat, has a higher content of Pb, Cu and Cd.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):96-110
pages 96-110 views

The impact of environmental factors on the biometric characteristics of high juniper forests of the Crimea

Koren`kova O.O.


High-juniper forests are a critical component of the sustainability of the Crimean Peninsula. However, the area visited by J. excelsa in Crimea is currently increasing. As a result, there is a threat of irreversible changes in the appearance of the peninsula in the future. As

a result of the research, the biometric characteristics of the high-juniper forests of the Crimea and the characteristics of the ancient environmental factors existing on them were determined. Based on the goals of the work, the following tasks were set: to establish the main taxation characteristics of hopes; the degree of influence of abiotic and anthropogenic factors according to the studied parameters. According to methods generally accepted in forestry and geobotany, 28 sample plots of 0.2 hectares in size were established within J. excelsa stands at an altitude of 40 to 1020 m above sea level, in various edapho-orographic conditions. Using one-way analysis of variance, the degree of biometric characteristics of abiotic and anthropogenic factors in the high-juniper forests of Crimea was revealed. As a result of the studies, it was established that the average diameter of J. excelsa stands is 27.1±1.3 cm (with minimum and maximum values of 11 cm and 41 cm, respectively). Among the factors that have the greatest influence on trunk diameter are: edaphic conditions and regional growth. In addition, it was established that J. excelsa trees are not described in the alphabetical heights characteristic of the main ones among the Mediterranean part of the range, which, in turn, indicates stable conditions of existence on its northern border. On average, the height of J. excelsa individuals in the Crimean Mountains is 5.4±0.2 m. A unique element of the Crimean culture, J. excelsa is being studied growing on the town of Krestovaya, their height reaches 16 m, which is 3 times higher than the average height of the area.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):111-122
pages 111-122 views

Analysis of forest cover change in Ben En National Park, Vietnam

Thien B.


The analysis of land use and land cover (LULC) based on remote sensing and geographic information systems in Ben En National Park, Vietnam, from 2003 to 2023 has revealed significant landscape changes. Assessing the accuracy of the classification results on our Landsat satellite images has shown high reliability, with kappa coefficients above 0.9 for both 2003 and 2023, indicating strong agreement between the classified images and actual reference data. Over the two-decade period, the dominant LULC class remained natural forest, albeit experiencing a substantial reduction in coverage. In contrast, waterbodies and agricultural land expanded significantly. These LULC changes can be attributed to both natural processes and human activities, such as dam construction and water management projects. The most concerning trend is the significant decline in natural forest coverage, primarily driven by deforestation, logging, and land conversion. These activities pose a severe threat to plant biodiversity and the habitats of wildlife within Ben En National Park. Climate change, characterized by erratic weather patterns, exacerbates these challenges, disrupting forest development. Prolonged droughts and heavy rainfall disrupt the growth of planted species, aggravating the situation. Urgent measures are required to address illegal logging and deforestation, coupled with sustainable land management practices to safeguard the park's unique biodiversity. This study underscores the importance of remote sensing and geographic information systems in monitoring and addressing environmental changes, providing essential data for informed decision-making in land use planning and conservation efforts within the national park.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(2):123-134
pages 123-134 views

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