Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University

The Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University (Vestnik Nizhnevartovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta) is a periodic scientific publication issued since 2008. The journal is published quarterly by the Publishing House of Nizhnevartovsk State University

The journal publishes the results of original research and review papers on the most topical issues of the biological, humanities and pedagogical sciences.

The bulletin has three thematic issues reflecting the following research areas:

  • Biological Sciences (03.02.08 Ecology);
  • Humanities (07.00.02 National History; 07.00.03 World History);
  • Pedagogical Sciences (13.00.08 Theory and Methods of Vocational Education).

The journal is registered with the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of NVSU Bulletin Printed Publication ПИ № ФС 77 - 80105 as of 31.12.2020.

The journal has been included in the list of VAK, (Russian Higher Attestation Commission), with the right to publish scientific articles of doctoral and postgraduate students, necessary for the defense of theses for the Russian scientific degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences. On December 1, 2015, the new list was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education.

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Current Issue

No 3 (2024)

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Full Issue

Pedagogical Sciences

Application of the Foresight Method in the Educational Process of Higher Education
Abramenko E.V., Abramenko S.A.

In conditions of increasing life expectancy, declining fertility, increased migration and other demographic changes, the Foresight method can help families and society prepare for new challenges and opportunities. For example, anticipating an increase in the number of elderly people may prompt the state to develop a support program for this category of the population, and forecasting an increase in migration may contribute to the development of integration programs for new immigrants. The Foresight method is relevant in the context of demographic changes, as it allows you to predict possible scenarios for the future development of the family and society based on the analysis of current data and trends. This will make it possible to make more informed decisions and develop new tools for the state to improve the demographic situation in the country. The Foresight method is also of great relevance in education, especially in the context of technological innovations. Thus, the purpose of the article is to study the demographic situation of the Russian Federation by the Foresight method in sociology classes. The authors believe that the interest in the Foresight method lies in the fact that it allows the students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of VSTU to develope strategic thinking and planning skills, to apply those in the field of demography as well as in their future professional activity. The article presents the results of a survey of first-year students of Volgograd State Technical University (VSTU) in relation to the demographic situation in the country. The positive and negative factors affecting the demographic situation are considered. Some measures to improve the demography of the Russian Federation are proposed. The proposed Foresight method in the educational process may be of interest to teachers and methodologists of higher education engaged in the development of new approaches to training students.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):4-16
pages 4-16 views
The Problem of the Educational System Integration Into the Educational Process of a Technical University
Abramov N.V.

The article discusses the current and most significant provisions regarding the problem of integrating the educational aspect in the process of professional training of graduates of a technical university. The authors explore the theoretical and empirical aspects of the organization of educational activities, which methods can contribute to the development of both professional and personally significant qualities that contribute to improving professional efficiency, which has an impact on professional success and the quality of human life. Special attention is paid to how the educational process can contribute to the formation of students' critical thinking skills, independence, responsibility and readiness for continuous learning. Special attention is paid to the theoretical analysis of the relationship between the quality of the educational process and educational work, as well as their impact on the development of critical thinking, communication skills and teamwork among students. In his work, the author emphasizes the importance and importance of the educational aspect in the process of vocational training, based on research and provisions prescribed by other specialists whose scientific interest lies in the organization of the educational process during the organization of vocational training for students of a technical university. The authors emphasize the role of an interdisciplinary approach in the educational process, which allows students not only to study specialized technical disciplines in depth, but also to develop social and humanitarian competencies. Practical recommendations on the integration of educational elements into the educational process aimed at improving the effectiveness of training qualified specialists in technical disciplines are also discussed.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):17-29
pages 17-29 views
Problems of Staff Training to Ensure State Technology Sovereignty
Abramova M.A., Krasheninnikov V.V.

Based on a comparison of the guidelines in the Strategies for Technological Development of the Country from 2016 to 2024, a contradiction has been formed in the basic attitudes towards the personnel training system. The authors aim is to present a sociological analysis of the current situation and the existing opportunities for implementing the task of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country with qualified personnel. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is built on an appeal to classical works representing society: as a system of T. Parsons, E. Giddens, self-organizing system of N. Luhmann; works covering the issues of the influence of scientific and technological potential on the level of competitiveness; state programs and regulatory documents, as well as statistical and analytical materials. Results. Generalization of data on training programs in secondary vocational education, as well as implemented federal programs for its support allowed us to conclude that at the moment the situation is characterized by a gradual improvement, but the number of graduates is insufficient for the growing needs of production. The reasons are both poor training in natural cycle disciplines in schools and, accordingly, a shortage of teaching staff to solve this problem, and the consequences of the demographic pit of the 90s, which led to a reduction in potential students. The authors believe that the solution to the problem of providing qualified personnel is not so much in the constant increase in the number of graduates, but in the revision of both their training programs and the technologies of the production itself in order to replace the stages of operations that can be performed by unskilled specialists with technological developments based on artificial intelligence. The implementation of an integrated approach should be ensured by revising the training programs in universities and institutes, as well as attracting talented developers to the problem of improving production.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):30-43
pages 30-43 views
Training of Teachers for Cadet Classes: Approaches and Successful Practices
Antonov N.V., Goncharuk S.Y., Ivanova O.A.

The article offers an analysis of approaches and successful practices of teacher training for cadet classes. Various groups of methods were used in the course of the study, including the method of comparative analysis of normative and legal documents; analysis, systematization and generalization of the data obtained; complex analysis, classification and structuring of information and statistical data; modeling method; generalization of research results. As a result, system solutions for the training of teachers of cadet classes have been developed and theoretically substantiated. It should be noted that one of the conceptual ideas of teacher training for cadet classes is the idea of continuity and individualization of professional development of teachers in the field of education and socialization of students. Continuous professional development of teachers, including teachers of cadet classes, is carried out through the integration of formal and non-formal education, as well as through self-education and self-education. Teachers of cadet classes should have the competencies necessary for the full implementation of professional functions in the organization of education and socialization of students, since the teacher of the cadet class works not only with students, but also with cadet families, focusing on issues of social protection, education, formation of healthy public opinion and mood. The tasks of the educator of the training course include studying the mood, requests and needs of child-parent relations in cadet families and systematically informing the management and specialists of various services about the urgent tasks of working with cadet parents. The training of teachers of cadet classes is focused on the formation of a number of skills among educators: to analyze the academic performance and involvement of students in the educational process, to build effective communication, to organize activities to prevent negative manifestations and offenses.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):44-56
pages 44-56 views
Education of Future Language Workers: Supporting Students’ Startups as a Teaching Strategy
Bogdanova S.Y., Plastinina N.A., Stepanova M.A.

The article discusses the role of student start-ups in general and their introduction into the academic curriculum as graduation projects in particular. The paper provides an overview and short history of the student start-up as a concept and the term, underlining, on the one hand, a contemporary demand for student entrepreneurship encouragement, their social capital built-up and University-industry collaboration but problematic ambiguity of their realization, on the other. The authors claim the innovations as it goes is most challenging for both teachers and students of non-business academic programs and requires a certain shift in teaching strategies as well as the curriculum. The paper dwells on the existing background of student start-ups in non-business fields and underlines that in such circumstances teaching and extracurricular activities become a major tool to promote the entrepreneurial intentions among the students. The authors claim the academic training can benefit from a suchlike approach and the transdisciplinary projects may serve as a practice-oriented cumulative ground for student start-ups. The paper illustrates how these projects can be implemented. The authors have stepped up their efforts towards introducing a student start-up to show how a certain student project can later launch them into business resulting in creating a new venture.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):57-64
pages 57-64 views
Foreign Language Student Linguistic Personality as a Vector for the Professional Bilingualism
Kudritskaya M.I., Kushnina L.V., Bermukhambetova A.A.

The relevance of the study manifests itself through the use of a polyparadigmatic approach to the consideration of the linguistic personality of a translator, including cognitive, cultural, synergetic, and competence aspects. The cognitive aspect is based on the study of the linguistic consciousness of the individual, the synergetic aspect is based on achieving a harmonious translation worldview, the cultural aspect is based on the need for an interconnected study of languages and cultures, and the competence aspect is based on the formation of personal intercultural competence. The purpose of the study is to substantiate a polyparadigmatic approach to the study of the linguistic personality of a foreign student – a future translator. As a result of the study, it was established that in the digital age, with artificial intelligence constantly evolving, new trends arise in the professional bilingualism formation of a human translator interacting with artificial intelligence. This study is based on the results of accumulated pedagogical experience and theoretical provisions in this area, which unites the educational space of two universities (PNRPU, Russia and KRU named after A. Baitursynuly, Kazakhstan). The results obtained can of interest for teachers engaged in training bilingual students, linguistic program students, for the tertiary education practitioners as well as those involved into decision making and curriculum development.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):65-76
pages 65-76 views
Family Values in the Perceptions of Modern Youth
Milovanova N.G.

The article is devoted to the study of modern youth's ideas about family values. The problem of family values is again becoming relevant and in demand in the context of the proclamation of the priority of education, the implementation of working programs of education at all levels of education, which have a single conceptual and value basis for the organization of the educational process, including on the basis of the axiological approach. The analysis of the content of the concept of “family values” is carried out in the context of studying the regulatory legal documentation regulating the activities of educational institutions of higher education in the field of education, and other sources on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the categories of “value”, “family values”. The theoretical substantiation of the essay as a method of studying students' ideas about family and family values is given, the structure of analysis and interpretation of the results are given. The conclusions of the study of students' ideas about family values will make it possible to form the image of the family, to identify family values, their place and role in the life values of young people, to identify trends in the development of young people's ideas about family values, to determine the prospects in educational work with students in the formation of traditional national values.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):77-91
pages 77-91 views
On the Importance of Extracurricular Physical Education Activities in the Physical Education of Students of Higher Education Institutions
Mudrievskaya E.V.

The article presents material on the organization of extracurricular activities in physical education at a higher educational institution. The relevance of this topic is due to structural and substantive changes in undergraduate educational programs and work programs in physical education, which have led to an increasing role of extracurricular activities in the formation of student's physical culture competence. This circumstance requires consideration of issues of planning, organization and methodological support of this type of pedagogical activity. The purpose of the study is to identify the organizational and educational aspects of student sports and wellness activities conducted in their free time from study at the university. As an example of the organization of extracurricular work carried out by teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, a number of physical culture and recreation and sports events held at the Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin are proposed. The analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience in the higher education system, data from literary sources on the problems of physical education of students allowed us to make practical recommendations on the basics of planning, goal-setting and organizational features of extracurricular activities in physical culture. The possibility of increasing the effectiveness of this activity is emphasized due to the uniform distribution of activities throughout the academic year, attracting students with different levels of physical, sports and technical readiness and motivation in the field of physical culture and sports to participate. In addition to the calendar plan, the organizers for each event must define a goal, develop a program, create a festive atmosphere, ensure the safety of spectators and participants, and create conditions for informational coverage of the planned event.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):92-99
pages 92-99 views
Research of Professional Adaptation as a Component of Professionalization of Cadets of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Ivanov E.Y.

The state and society make high demands on the professionalism of a modern Russian police officer. The issue of professionalization, which begins in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is becoming relevant. Professionalization of cadets is considered as a relationship between adaptation to service in the internal affairs bodies and self-realization in the service. The article examines the adaptation aspect. The purpose of the study was to describe the professional adaptation of cadets at various stages of training in the context of the professionalization process. The objectives of the study were to analyze the literature on the problem, diagnose the level of professional adaptation of students and compare the results with the findings of other authors. The experimental work was carried out on the basis of one of the educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the involvement of 219 students. Questionnaires and testing the level of professional adaptation were used as research methods. As a result of the diagnostics, a higher level of professional adaptation was found in cadets of the 1st and 5th years in relation to the level of 3rd year students. In the works of other researchers, this trend was confirmed; a connection between professional adaptation and motivation, the potential of the cadets' personality, their professional identity and the degree of involvement in educational and service activities is visible. The obtained data are necessary for designing organizational and pedagogical conditions for successful professionalization of cadets. Such a study was conducted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the first time. But in order to fully reveal the essence and structure of professionalization of cadets at each individual stage of training, the work presented in the article is insufficient and further research is required.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):100-110
pages 100-110 views
Modern Specialist Training Within the Context of the Problem-Based and Informational Approach (Exemplified by Teaching a Foreign Language)
Trofimenko M.P., Osipova N.N., Abdurazakova D.M.

Today’s challenges modern society deal with require the use of an international language to solve problems of an economic, political, scientific, academic, and sociocultural nature. The authors highlight the importance of a foreign language knowledge emphasizing its additional resources for the professional development of future specialists. The paper subject is the process of foreign language teaching within the frame of a problem-based and informational approach while training university students. The authors look at the process of foreign language mastering at different education levels and analyze the components of the discipline work programs such as “Foreign Language”, Foreign Language in Professional Sphere”, “Foreign Language for Scientific Communication”. The paper theoretical significance is presented by the analysis of the basic concepts of problem-based learning and its importance not only for the successful mastering of a foreign language, but also for the successful vocational training of future specialists who meet all the requirements of the global labor market. The authors also substantiate the relevance of foreign language training for students in the frame of the problem-based and informational approach, and also present the specifics of its implementation. The practical significance of the work is demonstrated by the series of problem-based tasks using different models of problem-based situations for teaching foreign language reading and listening. According to the researchers, such tasks can be used both for developing a foreign language communicative competence and professional qualities of future specialists who have creative thinking and are able to cope with any problems in various non-standard situations in different spheres of human activity.

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. 2024;(3):111-123
pages 111-123 views

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